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ETs To Supposedly Reveal Themselves in 2027


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In scifi movies and tv shows/series, aliens interact with Earthlings all of the time. And for decades, the public could only imagine what it would be like for ETs to contact us and come for a visit.

Our days of waiting might be coming to an end, depending on who you ask. Several events over the past few of years have fueled interest in the UFO phenomena and increased the general sense that something unusual may be happening.

First, the American government spoke out about the claims and inquiries it had looked into. They created a special panel to investigate what they have begun to refer to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). Second, former intelligence officer David Grusch revealed in a whistleblower report that he had testimony about the existence of a long-running UFO recovery and reverse engineering operation from a variety of sources. He later provided similar testimony to Congress. Notably, he never had a personal look at any recovered craft or "non-human biologics" (alien bodies). Last but not least, Harvard physicist Avi Loeb asserted that he had discovered metal spherules from what may have been an alien spacecraft.

There may seem to be a change in the otherworldly tides if you're reading the headlines. Today, the possibility of alien visitors doesn't seem so far-fetched. There's a cause for that, says former CIA agent John Ramirez.

The Revelation

Ramirez has enjoyed a second career as a UFO aficionado, since leaving the intelligence establishment. He frequently appears on podcasts to share what he claims to know. He spoke with Podcast UFO in February 2023, during which he forewarned of an impending alien revelation in 2027.

Ramirez claims that the latest revelations, whistleblowers, and underwater finds are all a part of a deliberate storyline to get the populace ready for the arrival of the aliens, which he claims is only a few years away. Ramirez states that they are preparing the USA population and the world for their arrival and existence, and try not to cause mass panic. Example of this mass panic: the chaos the radio broadcast "War of the Worlds" caused when people first heard it in 1938.

The connection to earlier decades is probably alluding to a cover-up or denial strategy regarding incidents like Roswell. a course of action that appears to have been changed. Ramirez continues by saying that because aliens had a scheduled visit to our door in a few years, the authorities really have no choice in the matter.

Ramirez had already gained attention for a statement he made in an interview. Ramirez stated he had an encounter with a reptile, they fought in the area between his living room and bedroom, and in the morning he had scratches on his body in a talk with Holly Wood on the YouTube channel Into the Wyrde.

In case you were blissfully ignorant, reptilians are allegedly a race of humanoid reptiles that rule Earth, according to some conspiracy theories. Ramirez claims that reptilians aren't exactly what you might imagine. Instead, they are reptilian descendants, despite the fact that they appear, in Ramirez's words, "quite human to us."

Last words: Regardless, weather you believe or not, the truth is they do exist. I mean we can not be ignorant enough to think that Earth is the only planet with life, the Universe is far to big and far to vast for it to be just us. And nothing you say will ever convince me the they don't exist. Because I have always believed and for some reason know that they do exist. Oh, and that date could change. For it is NOT set in stone.



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