Number 1: Avatar: The Last Airbender, live action tv series, now has a trailer or several trailers, and a release date of February 22.

Number 2: The Faculty Might Be Getting a Remake
Are you to be schooled?
Did you that on December 25, 2023 that Robert Rodriguez’s The Faculty turned 25 years old. Now there are reports that a remake is in the works. Very little is known about the project. And there is a possibility that it still may not happen. But, if it does happen than, Robert Rodriguez is on board to produce.
The 1998 original was created by a collaboration of Robert Rodriguez and Kevin Williamson(a
screenwriter), who wanted it be a tribute to the 1950s sci-fi movies. A few people of The Faculty cast
were Elijah Wood, Josh Hartnett, Jordana Brewster, Robert Patrick, and Piper Laurie. Just imagine what the cast would be now, should this project actually happen.
It is a cult classic and the fanbase keeps on getting bigger and bigger. The Faculty was not initially
smash-hit when it first hit the big screens and did not make the numbers that 1996 Scream made. The
Faculty only made $40 million at the box-office in the USA, while Scream made $103 million, thus this film underperformed. And this underperformance was blamed on its Christmas Day release. However, now we are here in 2024, talking about the possibly revival of this beloved movie, in order for a new generation to fall in love with.

Both of these news stories are on my youtube channel: StarWolf Life, a StarWolf News series.